Sarah Laud is a passionate supporter of community engagement, developing a better and healthier community for all.
Sarah Laud is a class of 2020 high school graduate. She currently lives in New Jersey where she has created a place for herself in many parts of the community. These connections strengthen ties, build relationships, provide support and create a healthier environment for all.
For years, community has been key to every part of Sarah’s life, from her academic and high school career to her extracurriculars and personal life.
The School Community
In her high school, Sarah was a shining example of how robust a student life could be. She was an enthusiastic participant in many clubs and groups, including being a founding member of the popular Girl’s Leadership Outreach and Worth (GLOW). She was selected and trained as a tutor in the school’s Writing and Learning Center. Sarah also spent considerable time as a senior editor and writer in helping to publish her high school yearbook, the Salmagundi. Her participation in these groups allowed her to get involved with and contribute to many of the high school communities and cultures of her peers, developing a robust understanding of those around her, and herself.
Additionally, she served the school’s community by working as a chosen Crimson Ambassador, leading tours and presenting the school and all it had to offer to prospective students and parents. Sarah was also selected as the student representative to the school’s Alumni Board. As a member of the community, being a representative is a significant and respected accomplishment which she took very seriously.
The Broader Community
Outside of school, Sarah Laud has found opportunities for community service and volunteer work that have been deeply rewarding. She has been a yearly participant in the local Community Soup Kitchen’s Hunger Walk fundraiser, and has made and donated meals to those in need. Sarah has also volunteered in assisting the homeless, providing school supplies to underprivileged children and working for equity and women’s rights. She has found that these collective efforts allow for the entire community to come together with a single purpose.
Sarah has also found a unique opportunity to fundraise to support animal welfare in her “‘Lets for Pets” nonprofit organization. As a founder of the nonprofit, she created an online storefront and designed and created unique custom bracelets and anklets, selling them for proceeds that are donated 100% to local animal shelters and welfare groups.
Remaining engaged and in the midst of things is important for being part of a community, and no matter where you go, a community can be found. Sarah Laud has been a part of many communities which have each contributed to her in meaningful and personal ways.
Sarah has been a horseback rider for as long as she can remember and has developed a wide circle of friends in that community. She has been a part of the Crewe Hill riding camp which supports aspiring youths from pre-K to 5th grade to learn and experience a range of things related to horseback riding and equine care. Sarah has been a riding instructor, a counselor, and an equine care provider for several years. At this camp, she has grown through her responsibilities and is well-liked and respected by the young riders, their parents, and the Crewe Hill staff. She is recognized as a leader in this community and she has developed further as a rider herself.
In riding horses, Sarah Laud has found a competitive advantage through her leadership and community support. As a competitor she has been on the field for nearly a decade competing for years and qualifying on a national level. As competitive as Sarah and her peers are in this sport, they also find common ground in their love and care of the animals. Sarah has been involved in supporting young riders and raising funds and collecting for rescue horses and other animals in need. Sarah has been fortunate in developing close relationships and friendships with trainers and riders all over the U.S.
Sarah’s caring and compassionate nature pushes her to take on roles that allow her to support her fellow humans as well as beloved animals. She understands the challenges of community service and volunteerism and does not shy away from taking on these responsibilities. Helping in all types of situations from providing food to those in need to tutoring to animal welfare is what motivates Sarah. Today, she seeks to push herself and find new ways to provide for the community, build connections, and discover more about herself through others.